Mother's Day - Another day coined to greet and gift mom. Well is one day really enough to thank that one person who really sets example for "unconditional love"??
Right from my days of walking on four stark naked to roaming on roads in tee and jeans mom is the person I took granted for.From the days of peeing in diapers to getting high in pubs she is the one who seems always happy just seeing me around.
But don't think everyday was a happy bright day... I did get my quota of slaps/ear pulls/tongue lashes(scolding) and punishments for doing shit at times but would stand to save me from thrashing from dad and at times she hugged and kissed me for the tiniest good thing I would do.
She strive to gimme the best of everything (even the best of KFC.....she has promised me next time I go home) and fulfilled my never ending demands of CASH and KIND!!
The thing that amazes me is even after all these love and kindness she pours upon me she asks nothing in return and always prays and wishes for me!!
Oh and the awesome deals she keeps throwing to me makes my life a can I forget them!!I can share a couple:
- If I score good in school finals I would get any pen I want(most of the time it was an "add gel" though)
- If I study till midnight for a week 1000bucks (during my +2).
- If I return home before midnight I get a pack of cigs (during college home coming holidays).
- She even offered me a room freshener so that I don't have to run out of house every time I needed a smoke..... and there are lot more.
Every little mistake or blunders I have done she knows and still she is the one who has high hopes from me!
So love you MOM for all your love,care,finger licking good food and all the cash you have given me when I needed them!!
and DAD don't envy mom if you read this......I love you both....just keep calm till "Father's Day" :D :D