Insane Kid's profile

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ummm... ok.... so we all have one or more(coz i know there are people with fake accounts) accounts in probably one or more so called fukin social networking these sites really make the people unsocial........spending time hooking up at this shit when you should be actually socially active.....haha.......from my personal experience i can tell that.
Now while we sign up for these so called Social Networking sites we need to fill a stupid INFO here is how the INSANE kid fill's up this form:
User Name : Insane kid
Password:xxxxxxxxxx[lol....super secure 10 char password]

First Name : Insane
Second Name : Kid
Sex : Human with a dick
Birthday : Wednesday [thts birthDAY.....why give date??]
Hometown : Your Brain[not heart]
Interested in : Straight Gals[sorry gays and lesbians]
Political View : Total shit.........hate politics
Religious View : Ok! remember GOD before xam results
Activity : Social Networking......
Interests : Interested in total insanity.........[insane kid]
Favourite Music : Breaking Benjamin & Bullet for my valentine.......[don't write a bunch...coz nly fav]
Favourite TV Show : Only the ads in between the shows...hate all shows....
Favourite Movies : Any movie with a hot body cares about the story shit!
Favourite Book : Some novels......
Favourite Quotation : Born normal but you made me insane......[if the "you" reads this "you" will understand]
About Me : U wanna know abt me..... add me....or txt me!

nd finally this profile belongs to insane don't try to copy this.....

Declaimer:Guys and gals........stop Social Networking and start being Social............coz someday you 'll fukin realize tht this Social Networking shit has made you totally unsocial.......

do I love u or like u????I'm confused

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well I was not thinking over this topic and it came out all of a sudden, I knew what I was writing about. But then, when I wrote it all, I wasn’t sure!
i mean you are never sure over this love life or so called romantic just can’t be!
When you are thinking about a girl, you can never be sure!! Well, 'thinking’ about her is just one thing.
You are not sure even when you write,talk, listen, read, drink, eat, watch,breathe,text,call etc..... etc...... about girls.
Oh! Oh!wait.....wait...I think I’m even not sure about how to do half of the things I mentioned above.!!They just freak me out....I go a bullet was shot right in my brain..
But then, as guys are, I tried to be sure. So, I tried to do some ‘analytical research’. I wonder if all the guys do it but I am sure that they all 'll agree on this.
I got to know that, it’s not only the guys who are not sure about girls. Instead, the reasearch in itself gave me a reason. The conclusion of the research was very strange!!!!.........
Let me be SURE about this that i’m[insane kid] not accusing anyone here.It's just an outbrust of of what I feel...and not what I want to feel....
And the other person not sure about a girl is, off course,without doubt, the girl herself......even girls are confused about the guy factor..!! :O
Want some proof!! I got it for you.
* the girl wants the guy to be serious for her, if at all, but when a guy happens to be, he is IGNORED ......... kicked on his ass.....
* And if the guy is of the other type, why then when the guy flirts or tries to flirt, you go ‘ eeeEEEWWWWW!! How cheap..!!’and aain the guy gets kicked on his ass.........
* Keep on cursing the boys. ‘Boys are this,boys are that and all of them are the same...........and the list is too long to write down.’But then why always end up dating a guy?This above fact might not be true for the dating thing, but for sure every girl starts liking a guy one day..!!!irrespective of what she feels.........
Or may be not…
You know what I mean..?
* Confused, if someone asks something. I mean when it is not thought of.Lets take an example. And this is a real life example, not including me.
Vish:‘Hey !Avni I needed to talk.’[Avni I mean Avnika is the girl]
Avni:‘Yeah . VishSay it.’[Vish I mean Vishalis the guy]
Vish:Well I'm confused about how to say it!!.....
Avni:Hey don't worry....just say it dude!! to start..........I have been trying for a girl for a while........
Avni:Oh! who is the lucky girl.......
Vish:C'mon......don't know...she too know everything......but tries to avoid all the time.....
Avni:humm........ok.........keep me informed......if u succeed i need a party!!!!
Vish:omg.......this is total shit!!!shit...shit.....
Avni:What happened????You don't want to tell... no probs......
Vish:Hey!!! you just told me to inform the dead body that it has been murdered........
Vish:You don't understand any thing...........really!!
Avni:I'm called me the dead body!!
Vish:So what did you get about the murder??
Avni:You mean I murdered myself!!!!!!suicide!!!
Vish:You are a dumbass!!!!You understand everything but you never let me know that!!...
Avni:Dude i'm not that intelligent......please be straight forward..... just now ruined my KILLER your way.....‘Well,ummmmmm…I love you......’
Avni:‘Oh!’ Now what to say? :O
*After few long seconds of being in a shock and not even thinking about what to say,she opens up again.
Avni:‘I…I’msorry Vish,but I never thought about you like that.’.....I mean you were flirting with me thats ok....but this is all of a sudden........
*After some time, when the guy is ignored for a few days, the girls actually realizes the truth.She actually doesn’t like ignoring him! But , instead, she likes him!
*So, she finds a suitable situation, she finally talks to him.
Avni:‘ HEy Vish?’‘ I wonder if I should say this or not….’ still not sure..? ‘…but, I wanted to tell this to you.’
Vish:‘yup....…go on.’
Avni:‘Ilove you too.’
But you may still say, “It was a happy ending afterall.”
Well, yes. But real life would be a little less miserable for everyone,if you be sure.
I say everyone, because even guys would feel better.
To say the least, it’s not unknown, that guys have a tendency to think about girls. Yes , we think about you, but we are sure about what we are thinking about you, what our feelings are, but not about what you think.
And to end it, as every girl realizes in the end(I suppose!), not every guy is same as no girl is..!
So guys and gals.........time to grow up........just be know in real life the story may change......probably you would live to witness your gf/bf........hanging out with some one else..

My confession-:- List of thrashed dreams!!

Friday, January 22, 2010

If today is my last day and tomorrow would be too time for some confession...
Actually it's the confession of WHAT I WANTED TO BECOME.........and today when I’m writing this virtually I’m mocking of me.coz what I’m doing now is way.....way far from what I wanted to be as a child!!!

Here's the list: (arranged in random order)

1. Teacher: coz as a kid (remember this) I loved all the teachers....but as I reached high school things changed....believe me now I hate them.... sucks!!!!

2. Chef (that's what I used to think till my last home coming) - because I loved making chicken...noodles....and some finishers...........but this home coming I broke two microwave bowl..Mom was mad at me.... no more cooking!!!

3. Politician - because I loved those cars.......and the money and the

4. Ticket seller (any counter) - because I liked watching beautiful gals standing in the queue......pass to stare at hot

5. One in the audience at a fashion show: oh my god! Hot chicks in short to watch them....

6. An IITian : Still a rocks there........but who rocks here too.....

7. A Super Hero: This is because of the influence of Spiderman.....lov that toon.......nd if I was him...then save a gal and get blessed with her deal!!plan cancelled after watching “SUPER HERO MOVIE”

8. Event manager: coz I just parties.......sort of party animal.....and in this business I would get a free pass to the party too.

9. Guitarist: coz thy get gals easily........I even took some lessons of guitar during my high school...

10. French fries vendor: because everybody loves crispy golden fries. I would be my most loyal customer!!!Love them.....

11. Racer in a Rally Championship: Cause I’m mad about driving bikes, at high speed throwing dust in air.

12. Own Apple Corporation: So that I own all apple products free of cost!!


i define them....

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


When you see a girl and get attracted to her without an erection......


Something that sucks you till death.....


Something you can insert from your mouth and swallow when you are hungry......definitely irrespective of what your tongue tells[i mean taste]


Your worst investment in just keep on investing...and investing and investing.... and in return you get your bank statement stating "Your account has insufficient balance for further investment".....


Someone you remember only during the exam season!!!


Ow!!Someone in your mind and heart.......and stands beside you when you are ruining your life.....


Temple of EDUCATION where GOD of enlightenment to heavy to digest......kidding....actually it's the place where you can do anything other than studies...


Something that stabs your INTELLIGENCE till death..

The most unsocial thing available around......ummm.....i know some people would be against that!!


The most irritating and disturbing of all gadgets.......most of the time it rings when it shouldn't.. :D


They are the living forms of DEVILs....haha.....probably some of mine friends 'll kill me after reading this.....but one can't live without these devils....


Something that hurts your ear but sooth's your brain and heart....

*all definitions are from a insane kid's point of view!

if u need other definition write them in the comment or mail me.....i'll define them in my way!!!

responsible citizen!!! My first voting

It was the cold morning of 18th dec 2009 and I was 19...probably a responsible Indian citizen(as mentionend in Indian constitution)who is aware of his RIGHTS and DUTIES.Now lets move to my friends.......some of them probably don't even have their voter ID but thanx to my dad I have one.....Now on 18th we had the voting in our I was excited to caste my first ever vote(as my parents thought)....but on the other side what i thought was something in contrast.I thought who the hell is interested in standing in the long queue just to caste a single(probably....if they had given a chance to caste multiple votes.......i would have had a different thought.....) vote.Now the official voting time was from 07:00am to 03:00pm.So as I was on my holidays I woke up at......ummm....i guess at 01:00pm.....[and yes it's 01:00 'pm' don't dare to think it's a typing mistake]so i had 2 more hours left for my debut vote.Now it took me half an hour to get up from the bed and get I had more 1hr 30min.Dad and Mom told me that I should go and caste my vote(as they thought I had no other works to do...)then I thought whom should I vote for??I tried hard but couldn't remember a single politician for whom I should give my so called valuable vote.....
Then I called my friend(who too had a voting ID) and asked what he was thinking....i mean is he going for voting?? and as usual he was too lazy to say YES.All this mentioned activities consimed an hour more and i had half an hour left......I looked at the watch and thought "hey! only half an hour left...damn not this time" and bingo! I decided that better I should stay at home and write this blog post...umm.....
So still to caste my 'DEBUT' vote..........but friend I must say don't miss any of your chances to vote for my blog and don't forget to FOLLOW it.